Tips for post-COVID-19 living

Mon, 17 Aug, 2020

Life has certainly changed in 2020 and we have been learning to adapt to living with the threat of a lethal virus by taking precautionary measures to safeguard not only ourselves, but our friends and family members, along with the wider society too.

Those precautions start in our very homes, whether that is detached properties with its own land or an apartment in a tower block in the city. 

It seems as though one way or another we will be living with the fallout from the virus for a long time yet. Whilst some lockdowns have certainly eased, many countries, including the UAE, still continue to enforce the wearing of masks in public, along with social distancing and controlled numbers of people in restaurants, malls and cinemas. These are measures for those who want to go out of their homes. But for many, still, home is a safe haven, where they can relax and spend time with family and now, perhaps a couple of close friends.

Home sweet home

In addition to the citywide disinfection programmes, we were instructed to sanitise ourselves and our homes. We continue to do it, armed with antibacterial soaps and hand sanitiser. It’s been a good time to take stock, and since spending so much time at home, catch up on odd jobs around the house; have a clear out, reorganise a bit and take time to enhance your investment in Dubai real estate. 

With so much time at home, our abode – whether rented or owned, villas to buy in Dubai, Properties for sale in Dubai2 BHK Flats For Sale In Aykon City Tower3 BHK Flats For Sale In Aykon City Towerapartments for sale in dubaiSafa Two 2 Bedrooms Apartments For Sale In Dubai or Hotel apartment for sale in Dubai – has become so much more than just a place to rest our heads at night after the hectic working day and an outside social life. It’s become the central focus in our lives, where we have at times been forced to remain for weeks and carry on with work, exercise, family time and so on – all within four walls and for those lucky enough, perhaps a garden too.

Adjusting to working from home

Working from home has become the norm for many now and, reassured by the fact that productivity can be as good, if not even increased, many employers and employees are happy for the situation to continue in the long term, in the post-COVID world, whenever that is.

So if you find yourself telecommuting or part of the gig economy, you’ll want to read our article, coming soon, 'Tips for working from home'.

The rise of the digital economy

Digital transformation is something that has been around for a while now – with many companies on a mission to embrace digitisation in their business practices. Post-COVID, the whole thing has gained even more momentum, forcing leaders to adapt their way of reaching customers with immediate effect to ensure some level of service continuity and of course, revenue stream.

E-commerce, again already a huge mainstay across the globe and a multitude of industries, is more important than ever. People went from panic buying ‘necessities’ to getting used to ordering as many things online as possible to avoid leaving the safety of their home. Here in Dubai, we are incredibly lucky to be able to order just about anything to our doorstep. There were always savvy online shoppers, but with the dramatic changes and lockdown, ordering supplies online has been a revelation to yet more people, who will certainly continue this new shopping behaviour.

Meanwhile, luxury goods have become a bit frivolous in hard times, where those who keep their jobs, may not have them for much longer or have perhaps had their salaries reduced and are tightening their belts. Shops and business deemed non-essential have closed and may not have the financial clout to reopen in time.

Mental health

In such strange times, we have found ourselves a bit overwhelmed or at least somewhat thrown by what has unfolded this year. It’s been highlighted just how important one’s mental health is – and it’s been tested beyond measure for many. Thankfully, this is where expats already have an advantage in some ways. Although we’ve found ourselves stuck in our country of residence – no mass exodus as soon as the school holidays started for us this year – we have always found ways to stay in touch with friends and relatives scattered overseas from us. So it’s been easy to chat over Zoom and benefit from social interaction, where we’d otherwise be isolated.

What’s in store then?

So for now, we hold onto our jobs, search for new ones if made redundant, and look forward to getting beyond COVID. With many markets down, it’s a pretty good time to buy property. Many property developers are offering discounts and special payment plans, whilst home workers and families wish to have more space in which to live. Every cloud and all that…